SVAS is a registered
501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization

In order to run the service we depend entirely on
generous contributions from individuals and businesses.

Please click the button above or below to donate online,
or see below for more information on ways you can make a donation to SVAS.

  • Please click the “Donate Online” button above (or below) to make an online gift to SVAS.

    If you wish, you can honor a squad member or the birthday or special event of your friend or family member, with a gift to SVAS*. Or, remember that special person who passed away, with a gift to SVAS in their memory*. And, because our services are free, many people who have used the services of SVAS choose to send a gift of thanks.

    *The family will be notified of your generous donation.

  • Please make checks payable to S.V.A.S. and mail to:

    P.O. Box 582
    Salisbury, CT 06068

  • If the stock is to be transferred electronically:

    DTC Participant #2669
    Northern Trust Company Acct #17-69531
    Acct Name: NBT Bank

    FSC – Salisbury Volunteer Ambulance Service Account #50768602

  • Please go to the “Bequests” page on this site for more information on including SVAS in your estate plans.