Neighbor Helping Neighbor.

We are a 100% volunteer organization, and we do not charge for our service. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization - and we do not receive any town, state or federal funds. We are entirely donor-supported and depend on fundraising efforts to operate.

We are your neighbors, friends, and colleagues. We are teachers, contractors, local business owners, town employees, school employees, real estate brokers, firefighters, social workers, nurses, doctors, lawyers and retirees.

When you call 911, we respond.

Emergency transport

Today, now past its 50th anniversary, our all-volunteer Squad responds to nearly 700 calls per year, provides stand-by services for countless community and private events, and trains continuously to ensure that citizens can count on the very best emergency services available. This includes constant upgrading of the emergency vehicles and equipment to meet state and federal regulations as well as the needs of the community. The rugged terrain of the area, including the Appalachian Trail and Mt. Riga, is a frequent site of emergencies, and handheld GPS units, two all-terrain vehicles, a John Deere Gator XUV equipped with a Medlite Med-bed and a host of other specialized equipment allow Squad members to perform mountain, water and rope rescue operations. We also own and have equipped a Mass Casualty trailer, to be used in the event of a large-scale disaster or accident.